DG Tony has asked that we start a committee of Rotarians to promote the importance of health and health awareness for the Rotarians and our families in our District.  Healthy Rotarians can do more for their family, their business as well as their club.

DG Tony has asked that we start a committee of Rotarians to promote the importance of health and health awareness for the Rotarians and our families in our District.
Healthy Rotarians can do more for their family, their business as well as their club.
It will be composed of of all the different doctors (both traditional and alternative), health professionals, health care providers and any Rotarian who is just plain interested in seeing that the level of health and health awareness in our District is raised.So all Rotarians are welcome to join.
While we will have "face to face" meetings once in a while if and when necessary,  but free teleconferencing meetings will be the norm. This will allow Rotarians from one end of the district to the other to attend and support the purpose of our committee from their home or office without the inconvenience of having to travel!
Shortly after July1 I will send an email out with details for our first meeting. 
Please share this email and let everyone in your club know about this new District opportunity to serve,
each other and our families. 
President-elects, please ask or choose someone from your club to either serve or be a liaison to the RCHC.
I thank you all in advance for your help, support and cooperation.
Yours in Rotary,
 AG, PP, Dr. Howard Robins

Questions? Ideas? Call me, cell 516-967-1009